Faith Enrichment
Wisconsin Christian Youth Camp
Wisconsin Christian Youth Camp (WCYC) is a non-profit, volunteer-led organization dedicated to spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ. This is done primarily through several Summer Youth camp sessions for kids aged 9 thru high school. The camp sessions are held on 450-acres of forest near the town of Black River Falls, in central western Wisconsin.
Campers at WCYC participate in non-denominational Bible classes, singing, and devotionals. The staff members know that the best way to teach about God's love is to lead by example. Staff members seek to live out what they teach. Among the fun, the counselors work hard at demonstrating Jesus to campers. The goal at WCYC is to give youth an experience of God's care for them that is exciting and memorable.
Beaver Creek Bible Camp
Beaver Creek Bible Camp represents an association of faithful Christians who have organized a docrinally sound camp for young people aged 8-18. This camp has been held at the Beaver Creek Reserve (a county-owned facility 10 miles east of Eau Claire, Wisconsin) since 1997. BCBC is overseen by the Elders of the Crystal Lake Church of Christ in Crystal Lake, Illinois. The summer session spends a week in Bible study and fellowship with young people from throughout the Upper Midwest.
Spiritual activities include Bible study, singing, and prayer. Other activities include archery, crafts, volleyball, hiking, canoeing, swimming, and so much more! There is a well-equipped nature center; and campers may use several of the telescopes in the Hobbs Observatory.